The Most Effective Mosquito Control Solution For Your Elk Grove Home
Have you had the experience of staring at a math problem but can't seem to figure out the solution? Upon initial inspection, the whole equation seems like a foreign language, and panic creeps in as you wonder if you can pass the test. After a deep breath, you begin to think through the equation and slowly work through it, finding the solution.
For every problem, there is a solution, including a mosquito infestation. Although controlling a mosquito invasion of your property may seem impossible, the Elk Grove pest control team at Bell Pest Control has the answer. Of course, many pest control companies say they have the key to stopping a mosquito problem on properties, so why do we believe we have the solution?
The reason is that we have controlled mosquito problems for over four decades. Our highly rated, family-owned, and operated company has trained service technicians who work to provide you with a comfortable environment. We wrote this article to help you with mosquito control issues so you will know the solution to your mosquito problem. So, please keep reading.
Mosquitoes: The Lifecycle Of The Little Fly
Centuries ago, there was a Greek philosopher named Socrates, and his method of attacking a problem was to ask questions. As we begin our journey to finding the answers to get rid of mosquitoes in our yard, we need to start by asking how an infestation begins.
The process begins when a fertilized adult female mosquito enjoys a blood meal at your expense. The iron, protein, amino acids, and other nutritional elements from human blood enable the female mosquito to produce eggs. After eating, she will land while her body creates the eggs.

Why Choose Bell Pest Control?
Say Goodbye To Your Pest Problems
Our technicians are fully trained and continue to receive training throughout their employment.
We have provided pest control to Elk Grove for over 45 years and have used that time to perfect our services.
We believe in delivering on our promises, taking care of our customers, and doing work we can be proud of.
How Mosquito Bites Spread Dangerous Diseases
Don't let this alarm you, but mosquitoes are the deadliest insect worldwide. Before you vow never to be outside at dusk again, please understand that most mosquito deaths are outside the United States and are due to the unfortunate lack of medical access in many countries. However, that does not mean mosquitos are not a problem in our country.
Although this may surprise you, mosquitoes primarily feed on plant nectar and juices and play a role in the ecosystem. Since that is the case, you may wonder why mosquitoes bite. Only fertilized female mosquitoes bite humans and do so to facilitate egg production.
When a mosquito bites an animal or human, it digests the blood to remove the nutrients. If the animal or human is infected, the virus spreads into the basal lamina membrane of the mosquito's stomach. The virus then replicates in the secondary tissues throughout the mosquito's body, including the salivary glands. When the female mosquito inserts its proboscis, the mouthpart that pierces the skin and draws out the blood then transfers the viruses in its saliva into the bloodstream of its victim.

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How To Identify And Remove Factors That Attract Mosquitoes
You are probably reading this article because you feel inundated by mosquitoes dive-bombing you and your family when you try to enjoy a night on the patio, and you want to know why mosquitos are on your property. Plants, blood hosts, and standing water lure fertilized female mosquitos.
Now that we have identified the basic mosquito attractants, here are some mosquito prevention tips:
- Remove mosquito-attracting plants
- Eliminate containers that trap water
- Provide drainage to ditches and low-lying areas
- Seal outdoor garbage containers
- Unclog gutters
- Recycle out water in bird baths weekly
- Remove old tires from the property
- Thin out dense vegetation
Most of these tips are self-explanatory, but we want to elaborate on a few. Regarding mosquito-attracting plants, bamboo, taro, papyrus, water lilies, and water hyacinths are thought to lure mosquitos. Remember, other than fertilized females, all mosquitoes feed on plant nectar and juices.
Containers that trap water include baby pools, pool covers, and plant trays, so be sure they are dry or stored when not in use. Regarding vegetation, including overgrown trees and bushes, you need to thin out and prune these to allow sunlight and airflow. Part of the solution to your mosquito problem is maintaining a clean, dry environment inside and outside your Elk Grove home.

Professional technicians with a nice friendly attitude. JT is thorough and listens to my concerns. No problems with ants, spiders, or bugs for years now.
- Brian C. -
Darrell does a professional job. Very thorough. He explains what he's doing, friendly and considerate. I've recommended him to my neighbor, who will be using his services.
- Barbara S. -
- Christa A.